6 Failed Root Canal Symptoms

March 19, 2024

6 Failed Root Canal Symptoms

Have you recently had a root canal procedure and are experiencing persistent pain or discomfort? It's possible that your root canal may have failed. While root canals are generally successful in treating infected or damaged teeth, there are instances where the procedure may not provide the desired outcome. In this blog, we will explore the signs of a failed root canal and what you can do about it.

What is a failed root canal?

A failed root canal refers to a situation where the treated tooth does not heal properly or becomes re-infected after the procedure. This can happen due to various reasons, such as missed canals, inadequate cleaning of the root canal system, or the presence of complex anatomical structures that make complete cleaning difficult.

6 Signs Your Root Canal Failed

  1. Swollen area near the tooth: If you notice swelling or tenderness around the tooth that received the root canal, it could be a sign of infection or inflammation.
  2. Pain: Persistent or increasing pain in the tooth or surrounding area, especially when biting or chewing, is a common symptom of a failed root canal.
  3. Sensitivity: Heightened sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures, even after the root canal treatment, may indicate a failed procedure.
  4. Tooth discoloration: Discoloration of the tooth, such as darkening or graying, can be a sign of internal damage or infection.
  5. Boil on the jaw: The development of a small pimple-like bump on the gum near the treated tooth may indicate an abscess or infection.
  6. Sinus problems: In some cases, a failed root canal can lead to sinus issues, such as persistent congestion or pain in the sinus area.

Reasons your root canal might have failed

There are several reasons why a root canal may fail. Some common causes include:

  1. Incomplete removal of infected tissue: If all the infected tissue is not thoroughly removed during the root canal procedure, it can lead to a failed treatment.
  2. Undetected additional canals: Teeth can have complex root canal systems, and if any additional canals are missed during the treatment, it can result in a failed root canal.
  3. Fractured root: A fracture in the tooth's root can allow bacteria to re-enter the treated area, causing a failed root canal.

What can I do about a failed root canal?

If you suspect that your root canal has failed, it is crucial to seek professional dental care promptly. Your dentist will evaluate your symptoms and may recommend the following options:

  1. Retreatment: In some cases, a failed root canal can be resolved by repeating the procedure to ensure complete removal of infected tissue and thorough cleaning of the root canal system.
  2. Apicoectomy: If retreatment is not possible or unsuccessful, an apicoectomy may be recommended. This surgical procedure involves removing the tip of the tooth's root and sealing it to prevent further infection.
  3. Tooth extraction and replacement: In severe cases where the tooth cannot be saved, extraction may be necessary. Your dentist can discuss options for tooth replacement, such as dental implants or bridges.

Remember, early detection and intervention are key to addressing a failed root canal effectively. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned, don't hesitate to reach out to your dentist for an evaluation.

Request an Appointment Today

If you suspect that your root canal has failed or if you have any other dental concerns, contact Gardner Wade DDS, LLC at (225) 766-6100. Our experienced team will provide you with the necessary care and guidance to restore your oral health. Don't let a failed root canal compromise your smile – take action today!